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Dynamics of Approaches to Disseminate Measures for Sustainable Land Management and Adaptation to Cli

Humans have significant obstacles in restoring and preserving terrestrial ecosystems, which are the focus of several efforts and intervention strategies. The current research focuses on how the Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security Project disseminated sustainable land management and climate change adaptation (SLM/ CCA) methods. The impact of adjustments in these dissemination tactics on farmer acceptance of SLM/ CCA in the Zou department was investigated. A survey was conducted on 150 farmers who are adopters and non-adopters of the targeted measures. These farmers were randomly selected in nine villages in the department of Zou. Interviews were carried out with the team of the project. As methodological approach, 150 farmers were randomly sampled in nine villages of the department of Zou. In addition, interviews were carried out with the project team. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, as well as Chi-square and Pearson's correlation tests. The results showed that the dynamics noted in the dissemination approaches influence the adoption of sustainable land management and climate change adaptation measures, depending on the main activity and the farm total area of the farmers. In addition, adopters of SLM/CCA measures are more affected by the "SOL-Mobil" (98.0%) and "ProSOL Technician" (85.1%) approaches. They are less affected by the “Relay producer” (41.8%) and “Radio broadcast” (4.4%) approaches. Non-adopters are affected by the “ProSOL Technician” (63%) and “Relay Producer” (33.3%) approaches. They are, however, less aware of the "Radio broadcast" strategy (33.3 percent) and are unaffected by the "SOL-Mobil" strategy. When putting these strategies in place, it's critical to consider the diversity of farms.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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