Effect of Bio and Organic Fertilizations and Per-sowing Seeds Magnetic field Combined with Mineral
Two ground experiments were conducted at Sahl-El-Hussinia, agricultural research station, El-Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, 31o - 8' – 12.461" N and 31o - 52' – 15.469 E. all along two successive cold seasons 2020/2021 and 2021/ 2022 , to study the evaluation of used biography-fertilizer (Rhizobium radiobacter sp strain (Salt Tolerant PGPR), humate potassium and pre-sowing sources faba bean magnetic field various times (5, 10 and 15 brief time period) combined with not organic N fertilizer at rates (15, 30 and 45 N kg/augment) on some soil properties and faba grain productivity and character. The studied treatments were organized within the exploratory units in a split split plot design in three replicates. Results indicated that the all situations had improved soil features i.e. decreased soil salinity and soil pH and increase of applicable N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn contents in soil. The soil considered with humat potassium combined the chief N mineral fertilizers rate and magnetic field of currents time than other situations. On the other hand, the maximum values of burden of yield and other yield components as damaged with humat potassium linked with 45 kg mineral N fertilizers under magnetic field of currents at 15 min distinguished other treatments. The maximal values of large-micronutrients (N, P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn) concentrations in faba bean seeds as afflicted with biography-fertilizer and potassium humate combined accompanying mineral N manure different rates compared accompanying control. The bio-manure was beast on faba bean value.
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