Effect of Bio-stimulants on Growth, Development and Yield of Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
A field experiment was attended during December 2018 to April 2019 at the Student’s farm, Department of Agriculture Science & Rural Development, Loyola Academy, Secunderabad to see the effect of biography-stimulants on growth and yield of Chilli. The experiment was designed in Randomised Block Design (RBD) and the treatments covered of: T1- Folicist @ 3 ml/L, T2 – Fylloton @ 3 ml/L, T3 – Globalga @ 3 ml/L, T4 – Tata Bahar @ 2.5 ml/L, T5 – Neo-Alpha @ 2.5 ml/L, T6 – Daiwik @ 2.5 ml/L, T7 – Recommended quantity of NPK, T8 – Control. Biostimulants were applied as foliar spray at pre-blooming, blooming and fruit background stages. From the results of the experiment, it was observed that all the tumor limits i.e., plant altitude (85 and 82 cm), no. of branches (29 and 26) and number of leaves/plant (288 and 262) were considerably raised by the use of Folicist @ 3.0 ml/L and Tata Bahar @ 2.5 ml/L compared to added situations and control (54 cm, 13 and 150). Same treatment use developed in significant increase interms of no. of flowers/plant (78 and 75), number of products/plant (128 and 124) and % fruit set (80.5 and 78.2%). The maximal number of products/ plant, average fruit pressure (110.5 and 105.6 g/ 10 fruits), yield/plant (682 g) were written in foliar request of Folicist @ 3 ml/L closely understood by Tata Bahar (674 g) and Daiwik (650 g) and the lowest principles were noticed in control (410 g). Application of biostimulants considerably raised the vitamin-C content of crops compared to control.
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