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Effect of Different Dose of Herbicide on Soil Physico-chemical and Biological Properties after

The purpose of the experiment is to judge the efficacy of poison to control of weeds in wheat crop. The field experiment was administered at Agricultural Research Farm, Division of Agronomy, BHU, Varanasi, India. In the experimental field weeds were controlled by pre-rise application of herbicides namely.,pendimethalin 30% EC @ 600 g ha-1,pendimethalin 30% EC @ 900 g ha-1, pendimethalin 30% EC @ 1200 g ha-1, pendimethalin 30% EC @ 1500 g ha-1,metribuzin 70% WP @ 210 g ha-1 weed free (two hands destroy) and Untreated Control (Weedy check). Effect of treatments on soil physico-synthetic properties like soil size density, soil p=H, energetic conductivity and basic carbon are not significance difference among the situations. The available nitrogen in soil following in position or time harvest of wheat was secondary hand elite treated plots that was statistically comparable with request of pendimethalin 30% EC @ 900 g ha-1 over the rest of the treatments. However, applicable phosphorus and potassium in non-meaningful it did unmoved by the situations.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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