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Effect of Different Growing Environments of Pigeonpea Cultivars on Population Dynamics

The field experiment was completed activity at research farm of Department of Agricultural Meteorology, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, during Kharif season 2017-18 to study the influence of various growing environments on Clavigralla gibbosa state dynamics and allure relationship with microclimate of pigeonpea cultivars. The results disclosed that the egg public and adult population of C. gibbosa were first recorded all the while the 38th SMW and continued just before crop harvesting in all cultivars and D1 (First half-month of May), and D2 (First fortnight of June) planted crops, whereas it was observed all along the 40th SMW and 39th SMW in the D3 (Second fortnight of June) planted crop, respectively. Mean number of seed masses of C. gibbosa (0.15 egg public/plant) and population of women (1.24 adults/plant) recorded best under D1 sown crop, inasmuch as, among cultivars, it was found taller (0.15 egg public/plant) and (1.18 adults/plant) under cultivar Paras. The nymphal population of C. gibbosa originally noticed all the while 38th SMW in Manak cultivar sown on D1 and D2, while, in cultivars Paras and UPAS-120, it was noticed all the while 39th SMW and in D3 sown crop on 40th SMW. Among various date of sowings, higher nymphal populace (0.22 nymphs/plant) was found in D1 sown crop while with different cultivars, it was maximal (0.21 nymphs/plant) on cultivar Manak. Non-significant negative correlation was acquired between seed masses laid by C. gibbosa and hotness while non-significant certain correlation was obtained accompanying relative humidity in cultivar Manak. In cultivar Paras, non-important positive correlation accompanying temperature while non-meaningful negative correlation accompanying relative humidity. In cultivar UPAS-120, non-significant definite correlation was raise with both hotness and relative humidity. Significant negative equating was obtained between nymphal populace of C. gibbosa and temperature while relative moisture showed significant helpful correlation accompanying tur pod bug nymphal population in all three cultivars. Adult state of C. gibbosa showed meaningful positive equivalence with temperature while non-important negative correlation accompanying relative humidity in all cultivars. A negative undeviating relationship was erect between temperature and nymphal community of C. gibbosa while relative humidity presented positive linear connection on all the three varities i.e., Manak, Paras and UPAS-120 expounding the variability up to 65 and 49 per insignificant value, 58 and 59 per cent and 53 and 55 per insignificant value, respectively.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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