Effect of Different Levels of Carbon Dioxide Concentrations on Qualitative Traits of Strawberry (Fra
The present review the effect of different levels of carbon dioxide aggregation on qualitative characteristics of strawberry during depository was studied. Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) were stocked at ambient temperature for 5 days and regulated temperature at 5oC for 14 days in eight various atmospheres: air, 5% CO2, 10% CO2, 15% CO2, 20% CO2, 25% CO2, 30% CO2, 35% CO2. Changes in several parameters were judged. Atmosphere with extreme carbon dioxide were the most active in preventing the fungal tumor and enhancing strawberry stiffness. However, other condition parameters such as color, titrable sourness, ascorbic acid, TSS, pH, aroma were only gently affected by superatmospheric CO2 levels. The result showed that air with situation 35% CO2 proved as the most direct one to control the pressure loss, firmness, and to underrated the fruit decay. In conclusion, light stored under superatmospheric carbon dioxide environments maintained the fungal progress, firmness, weight misfortune and increase the shelf life as distinguished to air stored. In future, these experimental results grant permission prove very beneficial for increasing the shelf life of light fruits certain period in better quality.
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