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Effect of Different Sources of Organic Manures on Plant Growth and Flowering Parameters of Tomato

The present examination entitled “Effect of various sources of basic manures on plant growth and blooming parameters of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) var. Kashi Aman under Bundelkhand domain” was carried out at Organic Research farm at Karguan ji, Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh) all along Rabi season of 2021- 2022. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design accompanying 8 treatments and 3 replications. The detail of situations were as T0 (Control), T1 (FYM100%), T2 (Poultry manure 100%), T3 (Vermicompost 100%), T4 (FYM 50% + Poultry fertilizer 50%), T5 (Poultry fertilizer 50% + Vermicompost 50%), T6 (Vermicpost 50% + F YM 50%), T7 (FYM 33% + Poultry 33% + Vermicompost 33%). The data were calm from five random ly picked plant of each treatment and assign statistical reasoning. The results reflected that between 8 treatments substitute, treatment T7 (FYM 33% + Poultry 33% + Vermicompost 33%) was best effectively characters and written maximum in term of plant height (18.607 cm at 30 DAT), (46.333 cm at 60 DAT), (75.913 cm at 90 DAT) number of arms (5.467 at 30 DAT), (12.933 at 60 DAT), (16.533 at 90 DAT) stem diameter (3.167 cm at 30 DAT), (7.233 cm at 60 DAT), (12.140 cm at 90 DAT) plant spread (2.467 cm N-S & 22.023 cm E-W at 30 DAT), (42.633cm N-S & 41.200 cm E-W at 60 DAT),( 63.467 N-S & 62.300cm E-W at 90 DAT) and better plant tumor of tomato advance the number of flower per clusters with the request of treatment T7 (FYM 33%+ Poultry 33%+Vermicompost 33%) that were significantly chief in terms of number of flower per cluster (18.517), days of first blooming (30.243) and days of 50% blooming (38.340), whereas identical trend was carefully followed apiece treatment T6 (Vermicpost 50%+FYM 50%) for these characteristics, while the constantly lower conduct in similar progress and flowering characteristics at all development stages was recorded accompanying treatment T0 (Control). These judgments are reliable for growing organic and synthetic free tomato result under Bundelkhand region.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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