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Effect of Different Sources of Sulphur on Sulphur Fractions in a Calcareous Soil

An process of early development experiment was conducted to study the S release pattern by various S sources and grades. The most soils were collected from the Esanai center that has deficient in sulphur. The situations were replicated thrice partially randomized design. Treatment details are Ammonium sulphate, Single Super Phosphate, Gypsum were the three beginnings of sulphur applied at the pauses of 0, 20, 40 kg S ha-1 along with the urged dose of N, P and K. Destructive soil examining was carried out at 15, 30, 60, 90 days following in position or time readiness and analyzed for S parts as per standard procedures to learn the effect of S sources and S action in those areas. Soil samples were analysed for sulphur part i.e. Water dissolved sulphur fraction, Exchangeable sulphur part, CaCl2extractable sulphur fraction, Occuled sulphur part, Organic sulphur part and Total sulphur fraction. The soil sulphur parts were arranged in the order of occluded sulphur > water dissolved sulphur > exchangeable sulphur > CaCl2 deducible sulphur > organic sulphur. The results arose out in this experiment display that that application of sulphur in the form of Ammonium Sulphate @ 40 kg S ha-1 was erect to be used for better release of free sulphur. The zero implantation led to decline in the levels of all the forms of sulphur as distinguished to rest of treatments.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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