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Effect of Foliar Application of Micronutrients on Growth and Yield of Sesame (Sesamum indicum)

The field experiment was completed activity during kharif season of 2022, at crop research farm of Department of Agronomy at Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj in North Eastern plateaus of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The soil of the experiment plot was ammophilous loam in balance, nearly impartial in soil response (pH 7.1), low not living element (0.82%), available N (291.24 kg/ha), usable P (32.85 kg/ha) and available K (264.78 kg/ha). The situations contained three sources (Zinc), (Boron), (Iron) levels and individual control plot, respectively. Randomized block design encompassing of 9 situations with various combination of metallic mineral, boron in addition to iron which are copied thrice and T9 is control. The exploratory results revealed that use of Zinc 100 ppm + Boron 100 ppm + iron 100 ppm recorded maximum plant altitude (114.80 cm), Plant dry burden (16.29 g/plant), number of capsules per plant (43.77), Seeds/capsules (69.73), Seed yield (1.10 t/ha), Stover yield (2.45 t/ha).



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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