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Effect of Humic Acid Application Methods on Yield and Some Yield Characteristics of Corn Plant......

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of several humic acid administration methods on yield and some yield parameters of maize plants (Zea mays L. indentata) growing in second crop circumstances.

Study Design: A randomised full blocks experimental design with three replicates was used in this study.

The research was carried out in 2017, at Sanliurfa, Turkey, under Harran Plain conditions as second crop conditions.

Plant material was taken from the Capuzi hybrid corn variety. HA applications were 0 (control), 4 L da-1 HA before sowing, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to seeds, 2 HA to

Results: Tassel blooming day, grain number per ear, grain yield, protein ratio, leaf surface temperature, and chlorophyll content (SPAD) values were all positively affected by humic acid treatments (P0.05). The control application had the longest tassel flowering time, while the soil+foliar treatment had the shortest tassel flowering duration. The amount of grains per ear ranged from 602.8 to 655.9. The maximum grain yield value (1325.54 kg da-1) was obtained from seed+soil+foliar humic acid treatment, whereas the lowest value was seen at the control parcel (1165 kg da-1). The protein ratio (%) values ranged from 8.33 to 9.40 percent. Seed+Soil+Foliar treatment with humic acid yielded the highest protein ratio, whereas the control parcel yielded the lowest protein ratio. All humic acid applications resulted in lower leaf surface temperatures. The highest chlorophyll content (SPAD) was achieved from seed+ foliar humic acid treatment, whereas the lowest value was obtained from the control parcel.

Conclusion: The soil+seed+foliar treatment of humic acid produced the maximum grain number per ear, grain yield, and protein ratio values. In addition, seed+foliar humic acid treatment yielded the greatest chlorophyll content (SPAD) values. With the addition of humic acid, the time of tassel flowering was reduced. At soil +foliar application, the lowest leaf surface temperature was recorded. All humic acid sprays had a positive impact on maize plant yield parameters.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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