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Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Productivity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

A field experiment was attended during Rabi seasons to decide the effect of different beginnings of nutrient on progress, yield and yield of wheat for reconstructing crop productivity in situated or toward the west U.P. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications and the situations assigned in this place study are fourteen viz., Control T1, 100% Recommended NPK (150: 75: 60 kg ha-1) T2, 50% Recommended N + FYM @10t/ha T3, 50% Recommended N + 50% N through Vermicompost + Bio-impetus-G@ 20kg/ha T4, 50% Recommended N + Bio-stimulant-G@ 20kg/ha T5, 75% Recommended N + 50% N through Vermicompost T6, 75% Recommended N + FYM @10t/ha + Bio-drug-G 20kg/ha T7, FYM @10t/ha + Bio-stimulants Toggle (Containing marine extracts) @ 2.9 l/ha T8, FYM @10t/ha + Bio-stimulus Voyagro (containing proline, glycine betaine and glutamic acid) @ 585 ml/ha T9, 100% Recommended N + FYM @10t/ha T10, FYM @10t/ha + NPK-biography-fertilizer + Urea @20 kg/ha T11, FYM @10t/ha + Bio-manure mixture (A.chrococcum + AMF + B.circulans) + Bio-impetus-L @ 625 ml/ha foliar spray each at 45 & 60 DAS T12, 100% Recommended N + FYM @10t/ha + Azatobacter T13, 50% Recommended N + FYM @10t/ha + 25% N through Vermicompost T14. Among the different situations, the treatment T13 was noticed significantly higher in tumor characters, physiologic parameters and yield limits of the year distinguished to other situations. T13 recorded 113.7, 93.6 and 151.5 plant altitude, number of tillers m-1row length and dry matter accretion (g/m1) than T1 control with no vitamin application individually. Crop fed accompanying treatment T13 registered chief CGR 90 days till harvest (3.27 g m-2 area d-1) and RGR 90 days till harvest (0.0002 g g-1d-1). Treatment T7 written maximum NAR at 90DAS-at harvest stage (0.86 g m-2 leaf area era-1)), which was at equilibrium with situation T9. Treatment T13 recorded considerably highest seed yield (47.5 Kg ha-1), straw yield (64.0 kg ha-1), organic yield (111.5 kg ha-1) and harvest index (42.6 %) while the lowest was written under control T1.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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