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Effect of Integrated Weed Management Practices on Microbial Population in Soil, Yield and Economics

An experiment had existed conducted at the Agronomy Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, (C.G.) in the kharif season of 2019, to decide the effects of joined weed administration practices on microbial population in soil, yield and commerce in wet direct plant rice. Pre-rise herbicides (Oxadiargyl and Pretilachlor) were followed by post-rise herbicide (Bispyribac-Na), machinelike and manual weeding. Plots medicated with oxadiargyl acted better than pretilachlor. When Oxadiargyl was integrated accompanying Hand Weeding (HW) at 35 days after sowing (DAS) present results that were better than twice HW plot (T10). Oxadiargyl @ 70g/ha at 7-11 DAS fb HW at 30-35 DAS (T4) confirmed to be superior over all the situations when yield and economics of wet direct plant rice was worried and was statistically at par accompanying twice HW plot (T10) and oxadiargyl @ 70 g/ha at 7-11 DAS fb bispyribac-Na @ 25 g/ha at 30-35 DAS (T2). The unsprayed and two-help weeding situations had much lower levels of fungi, actinobacteria, and microorganisms than the other grass control methods. The herbicidal situations had much higher microbial public at all stages of scrutiny.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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