Effect of Intercropping Systems with Different Levels of Sulphur on Protein Content, Nitrogen Uptake
Mungbean is ultimate important crop in dry Rajasthan. Improving productivity by reconstructing soil fertility is essential for laborers' financial viability. The effect of sulphur sorted doses on yield attributes of mungbean grown as (mungbean + sesame) intercropping was intentional in the field. For these four sulphur levels, namely., 0, 15, 30, and 45 kg sulphur ha-1 in five intercropping systems, namely., sole mungbean and singular sesame, mungbean + sesame in 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1. Harvest index, MEY, LER, N concentration, total nitrogen rude answer, protein content, seed, and hay yield were all considerably higher than added crop yield attributes. Mungbean protein content, nitrogen content, uptake, and yield were maximal when mungbean and sesame (4:1) was used, accompanying levels reaching 45 kg S ha-1. In case of sulphur, the maximum feature parameters were noticed when sulphur was applied to 45 kg ha-1 of mungbean.
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