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Effect of Leaf Extracts of Swietenia mahagoni L. on Some Selected Crops | South Asian Research .....

A research was performed to see how Swietenia mahagoni L. leaf extracts affected three different crops. In the laboratory, there were three test crops: chilli (Capcicum annum), brinjal (Solanum melangona), and okra (Abelomoschus esculentas), as well as four levels of mahagoni leaf extracts: distilled or tap water (conrol), 1%, 2%, and 3% leaf extracts, and the same concentration of leaf extracts in the pot. In the lab, the design was completely randomised design (CRD), and in the jar, the design was completely randomised design (CRD) with three replications. The results of the laboratory experiment revealed that the leaf extracts had inhibitory effects on all of the crops examined, and that the rate of inhibition increased as the levels were increased. It was also discovered that the inhibition rate of mahagoni leaf extracts varied by species. In a pot experiment, mahagoni leaf extracts have inhibited the germination of three different crops. In all of the tested crops, morphological parameters such as plant height (cm) showed significantly better growth in control than leaf extracts in both conditions. Biomass distribution, such as total dry weight, yielded similar results (g). Overall, it can be concluded that allelopathic treatment is successful.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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