Effect of NaCl Salt Stress on Growth, Ions and Organic Solutes Contents in a Local Cultivar Kpinman
Aims: This research has as objective to judge the effect of NaCl salt stress on African eggplant plant development and to decide the implication of the accretion of Na+, proline and dissolved sugars and the reduction of K+ in the damaging effect of NaCl in the growth concerning this plant class.Study Design: The experiment was laid out in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) bearing five situations and three replications.Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was carried out in hide house under everyday environments at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Commune of Abomey-Calavi. Republic of Benin from June to august 2022.Methodology: Five NaCI concentrations (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 mM) were used to water four weeks traditional plants for two weeks. Plant growth, sodium (Na), potassium (K), proline, and dissolved sugars contents of leaves and ancestries were persistent at the end of the experiment.Results: Salt stress inferred a meaningful reduction (P = .001) in dash and root growth from 30 : 60 or 90 mM NaCI in accordance with the tumor parameter but had no affect dash water content. Leaf and roots Na+ constituents significantly raised (P = .001) under seasoning stress whereas K+ content deoreased considerably (P = .05) only in root. Na change was noticed for proline and soluble sugars capacities in both leaf and root.Conclusion: Salt stress reduces the development of plants of African eggplant due chiefly to Na+ ion toxicity. The ionic discrimination percentage (K+/ Na+) rather than the K+ ion content plays an main role in the answer of plants of African eggplant to seasoning stress. Proline and soluble sugars build-up came not to intervene.
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