Effect of Nanoscale Zinc Oxide Particles on Macronutrient Concentration of Groundnut (Arachis hypoga
In the investigation, intensity dependent effects of nanoscale metallic mineral oxide particulates (n-ZnO) on the macronutrient aggregation of groundnut leaf, stem and kernel have existed analysed. ZnO-nanoparticulates that were used in the study were processed by modified oxalate breakdown method and the ZnO-nanoparticulates (mean size of 20, 25 and 30 nm) were distinguished using methods such as broadcast electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform shade resembling such a color spectroscopy (FT-IR), Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and X-ray dissemination analysis (XRD). Different concentrations (150, 200 and 400 ppm) of ZnO-nanoparticulates were applied (foliar spray) to tell their effects on nut crop in comparison to size ZnSO4 Statistically significant high essence N content (0.49 %) was observed in n-ZnO of amount 30 nm @ 400 ppm and highest P content in essence (0.16 %) was observed in n- ZnO of size 30 nm @ 150 ppm. Whereas, topmost kernel K content (0.7 %) was noticed in both n-ZnO of size 25 nm and 30 nm @ 200 ppm. These results signify that zinc nanoparticles considerably influenced the macronutrient (N, P, K) aggregation of groundnut depending on their proportion and concentration.
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