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Effect of Organic Manures, Biofertilizers and Cow Urine Spray on Growth, Yield and Quality of Cluste

A field experiment was transported during the kharif season of the period 2021 at Agronomy Instructional Farm, Department of Agronomy, CPCA, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar to evaluate the “Effect of basic manures, biofertilizers and cow excretion spray on growth, yield and quality of clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.)” under ready to bear sand soil. The experiment was spent money in randomized block design with three replications. Thirteen situations comprises various organic beginnings viz., T1: 100% RDF through synthetic fertilizers (control), T2: 100% RDN through castor cake (CC), T3: 100% RDN through fowl manure (PM), T4: 100% RDN through neem loaf (NC), T5: 75% RDN through CC + biofertilizers (NPK), T6: 75% RDN through PM + biofertilizers (NPK), T7: 75% RDN through NC + biofertilizers (NPK), T8: 75% RDN through CC + 5% cow urine, T9: 75% RDN through PM + 5% browbeat urine, T10: 75% RDN through NC + 5% browbeat urine, T11: 75% RDN through CC + biofertilizers (NPK) + 5% browbeat urine, T12: 75% RDN through PM + biofertilizers (NPK) + 5% intimidate urine and T13: 75% RDN through NC + biofertilizers (NPK) + 5% browbeat urine. The results disclosed that an application of 75% RDN through PM + biofertilizers (NPK) + 5% intimidate urine (T12) recorded considerably higher plant altitude, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, beginning index, seed yield, stover yield and unrefined protein content in seed. However, wax content in seed was written significantly larger in treatment T13. Therefore, the application of various organic beginnings of nutrients situation application considerably influenced the tumor, yield and quality of clusterbean. It is decided that the combined request of poultry fertilizer, biofertilizers and cow urine spray (T12) maybe obtained maximum children and stover yield with better children quality.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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