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Effect of Phosphorus Biofertilizers along with Inorganic Fertilizers on Nutrient Content of Maize

Aim: To study the reaction of maize to phosphorus levels and planet seen at dawn biofertilizers.Study Design: The experiment was laid out in randomized block design accompanying nine treatments copied thrice.Place and Duration of Study: Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla during kharif, 2019.Methodology: The exploratory soil was kind of alkaline in response (7.63), medium in organic element (0.6 %), medium in available nitrogen (354 kg ha-1), extreme in available planet seen at dawn (55.32 kg ha-1) and available potassium (402 kg ha-1).The situations comprised of T1- Control ( outside P ), T2 - 100% Recommended Dose of Phosphorus (RDP), T3 - 100% RDP + PSB @ 1 L ha-1, T4 - 100% RDP + VAM @ 12.5 kg ha-1, T5 - 75% RDP + PSB @ 1 L ha-1, T6 -75% RDP + VAM @ 12.5 kg ha-1, T7 – PSB @ 1 L ha-1, T8 –VAM @ 12.5 kg ha-1, T9 - PSB @ 1 L ha-1 + VAM @ 12.5 kg ha-1. The plant samples were analysed for N, P, K, S and micronutrients by the following standard forms.Results: The results of the experiment indicated that P, S and Zn were considerably affected by the set treatments when in fact N, K, Fe, Mn and Cu were not significantly affected. The highest mineral content was recorded in the situation with the request of 100% RDP + VAM@ 12.5 kg ha-1 (T4).Conclusion: The combined use (inorganic manure + biofertilizer) confirmed significantly superior over control and biofertilizers unique in improving the mineral content in maize.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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