Effect of Placement and Foliar Application of Urea, KCl & Zn (Supplementary Nourishment) on Growth..
The purpose of this study was to see how the location and foliar application of Urea, KCl, and Zinc affected cowpea development and yield in a guava-based agri-horti system in the Vindhyan region of India.
RBD with nine treatments and three replications was used in this study.
The study took place in the Agricultural Research Farm in Barkachha, Mirzapur (UP), India, during the kharif season (June-October) of 2017.
Methodology: There were nine different treatments in this experiment: control (T1), 2 percent Urea spray (T2), 30 kg KCl ha-1 (T3), 2 percent KCl spray (T4), 2 percent Urea spray + 2 percent KCl spray (T5), 5 kg Zn ha-1 (T6), 2 percent Urea spray + 5 kg Zn ha-1 (T7), 30 kg KCl ha-1+ 5 kg Zn ha-1 (T8), 2 percent Urea spray + (T9). The contents of N, P, K, and nutrients, as well as several growth parameters and yield features, were recorded and compared.
Results: The 2 percent Urea spray + 2 percent KCl spray + 1.5 percent Zn spray produced significantly higher growth parameters such as plant height-1, number of branches plant-1, fresh weight-1 and dry weight-1, as well as yield attributes such as number of seeds pod-1, pod length, pod yield plant-1, and green pod yield (T9). T9 had the highest levels of N, K, and protein in straw and seed.
Conclusion: The optimum approach for supplementary nutrition of cowpea under guava-based Agri-horti system was foliar spray of 2% Urea + 2% KCl + 1.5 percent Zn. To achieve a final conclusion, the experiment should be reported for another one to two seasons.
Please see the link :- https://www.journalcjast.com/index.php/CJAST/article/view/31089