Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Zinc on Growth and Yield of Baby Corn (Zea mays L.)
The field experiment was transported during Zaid intervening of March – April 2022 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (U.P). The treatments incorporated three Plant growth regulators (Mepiquat chloride 180ppm, Naphthalene tart acid 30ppm, Putrescine 40ppm) and three levels of Zinc sulphate (10, 20, 30 kg/ha ZnSO4) respectively. The experiment was planned in randomized block design with ten situations and were replicated thrice. The soil of exploratory plot was sandy ready to bear in texture, nearly flat in soil reaction (pH 7.2), depressed in organic element (0.48%) available N (171.48 kg/ha), free P (13.6 kg/ha) and available K (215.4 kg/ha). Results delimited that maximum plant height (181.62 cm), dry burden (92.31 g/plant), Green fodder yield (32.7 t/ha) were significantly affected with situation-6 Naphthalene acetic acid 180ppm in addition to Zinc sulphate 30 kg/ha and Maximum No. of cobs/plant (3 cobs/plant), length of person who produces crops/plant (21.8 cm), girth of person who produces crops (9.3 cm), cob weight accompanying husk (49.84 g), person who produces crops weight outside husk (12.11 g), Cob yield (11.03 t/ha) were considerably influenced accompanying the treatment-3 Mepiquat chloride 30ppm along with Zinc sulphate 30 kg/ha. Minimum limits were recorded in situation-10 control plot which is use of recommended measurement of fertilizers 100:60:40 kg/ha NPK.
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