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Effect of Planting Geometry and Nutrient Management on Yield, Economics and Quality of Dwarf Rice Be

Rice berry (Vigna umbellata) is one of the under-resorted to crops which can enhance a promising beat crop. A field experiment was conducted all along kharif season of 2020 at Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur to study the effect of planting geometry and vitamin management on yield, commerce and quality of dwarf edible grain bean under rainfed condition. The experiment was planned in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) and nutrient administration which was copied thrice. The treatments held of three planting arithmetic viz; S1 : 30 cm x 10 cm, S2: 45 cm x 10 cm and S3: 60 cm x 10 cm and four fiber management practices namely; F0: Seed treatment with molybdenum + phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSB), F1: 20 kg P2O5/ha + seed situation with molybdenum+ PSB, F2:40 kg P2O5 /ha + beginning treatment accompanying molybdenum+ PSB and F3: 60 kg P2O5 /ha + seed situation with molybdenum+ PSB. Results signify that planting arithmetic at 60 cm × 10 cm and nutrient administration at 60 kg P2O5/ha with beginning treatment of molybdenum + phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (PSB) significantly influenced the yield and characteristic of dwarf rice kernel and gave the maximum business-related returns. The highest source yield (14.65 q/ha) was recorded accompanying spacing S3 that was significantly superior over S1 upto the harmony of 8.7% (13.37q/ha). Among the different fiber management practices, capital seed yield (16.01 q/ha) was recorded from F3 that was found expected at par accompanying F2 (15.70 q/ha) and significantly superior over F1 and F0 (12.71 q/ha and 11.70 q/ha, individually). The increase in seed yield in F3 and F2 were 26.9% and 25.5%, individually over control (F0). Among the various establishiing geometry, the topmost gross return (Rs 117240/ha), net return (Rs 71334/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.54) were written from S3 and lowest gross return (Rs 106960/ha), net return (Rs 60304/ha) and benefit cost percentage (2.29) from S1. In respect of nutrient administration the maximum gross return (Rs128053/ha), net return (Rs 80877/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.72) were associated with F3 and shortest from F0 (Rs 93360, Rs 48058 /ha 2.06, respectively). The interplay effect of S3 and F3 gave maximal crude protein yield (397.75 kg/ha) that was 48.2 % higher than S1 and F0 (205.92 kg/ha).



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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