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Effect of Potassium Sulfate Fertilizer on the Mineral Profile of Sorghum Forage and Their Uses as Ru

This study proposed to determine the effect of Potassium sulfate procreation on the mineral sketch of sorghum scour. A field trial was conducted at University of Khartoum Experimental farm at Shambat. The situation consisted of six levels of Potassium sulfate manure 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 kg/Acre. The data were bear hardship analysis of difference (ANOVA) with a complete randomized design utilizing SPSS software program. The judgment was done by deciding the percentage of Ash, NO3, large-scale minerals (N, P, K, Ca, Na and Mg), and calculating minerals (Cu, Mn, and Zn). The results demonstrated that the application of potassium sulfate manure raised significantly (P<0.01) the nitrogen content of the sweet liquid forage from 1.4 % in the control to 2.14 % in the 50 kg/Acre potassium sulfate manure, while the effect on NO3 was found expected insignificant. The potassium content of rummage sorghum raised significantly (P<0.01) accompanying the increase in potassium sulfate fertilization level and the best value (0.77) was written in 50 kg/Acre level of fertilization. The Mg content abated with an increase in implantation level and the control recorded the maximal value (0.44 %). The effect of potassium sulfate implantation on Cu, Mn, and Zn was found expected significant (P<0.01). The potassium aggregation of sorghum rummage is significantly (P<0.05) and definitely correlated accompanying nitrogen (γ=0.67) and negatively compared with phosphorous and magnesium (γ= - 0.65) and (γ= - 0.59), while non-important correlation was noticed between potassium and Ash, NO3, Ca, Na, Cu, and Mn. It could be decided that the quality of rummage sorghum raised by potassium sulfate fertilization cause the nitrogen and potassium content in the plant increased and the aggregation of NO3 decreased.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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