Effect of Poultry Manure, Vermicompost and Zinc on Growth and Yield of Rice
The field experiment was completed activity during Khairf 2022 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P), India. The soil of exploratory plot was sandy earth in texture, almost neutral in soil response (pH 7.1), low not living carbon (0.36 %), accessible N (171.48 kg/ha), available P (15.2 kg/ha) and available K (232.5 kg/ha). The experiment was planned in Randomized Block Design, with nine situations, including a control, copied three times over the course of a old age. The treatments exists of T1: Poultry manure 4t/ha+ metallic mineral 15kg/ha, T2: Poultry manure 4t/ha + metallic mineral 20kg/ha, T3: Poultry manure 4t/ha + metallic mineral 30kg/ha, T4: Vermicompost 12t/ha + zinc15kg/ha, T5: Vermicompost 12t/ha + zinc 20kg/ha, T6: Vermicompost 12t/ha + metallic mineral 30kg/ha, T7: Poultry manure 50% + vermicompost 50% + zinc15kg/ha, T8: Poultry fertilizer 50% + vermicompost 50% + zinc 20kg/ha, T9: Poultry fertilizer 50% + vermicompost 50% + zinc 30kg/ha are secondhand. The application of Poultry fertilizer 50% + vermicompost 50% + zinc 20kg/ha written significantly higher Plant altitude (41.07 cm), Number of tillers per plant (14.33), Plant dry weight (19.05 g/plant), Significantly maximum number of panicles/plant (13.00), grains/panicle (84.00), Test pressure (20.01 g), grain yield (5.98 t/ha), Haulm yield (9.44 t/ha), Harvest index (38.79 %) were written with the situation of Poultry manure 50% + vermicompost 50% + metallic mineral 20kg/ha.Higher gross returns (Rs. 2,98,907.00/ha), net return (Rs. 2,15,897.00/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.59) was got in the treatment of Poultry fertilizer 50% + vermicompost 50% + zinc 20kg/ha.
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