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Effect of Pre and Post-emergence Herbicides on Weed Flora of Maize

Weeds have happened a problem god in crops since long time competing accompanying them for all the tumor resources. Weeds cause around 28-100% misfortune in the maize crop which makes necessary their control. The usage of herbicides for the control of weeds has happened the most outstanding method with farmers. However, the constant usage of identical herbicides can develop poison resistance that needs the exploration to newer herbicides. Therefore, a field experiment was completed activity to assess the effect of general herbicide, mesotrione on the grass flora and beginning yield of maize at JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.) in the kharif season of 2019. The experiment was carried out in randomised block design incorporating eight treatments of grass control including six herbicidal situations with help weeding and thin check and replicated thrice. Based on the results, it was decided that the post emergence application of mesotrione 350 g ha-1 at 30 DAS had most efficiently controlled the weeds happening in highest grass control efficiency (69.25%) and shortest weed index (12.62%) than the rest of the situations. It also happened in highest piece and stover yield (2.44 and 21.80 t ha-1) in maize. Thus, the application of mesotrione @ 350 g ha-1 maybe a promising electronics for the control of complex weed flora in maize.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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