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Effect of Processing and Fermentation on Functional Properties and on Anti-nutritional Factors .....

The goal of this study was to see how processing and fermentation affected the functional qualities of Horse Gram as well as anti-nutritional components (Macrotyloma uniflorum).

The research was conducted in the Department of Agricultural Microbiology, GKVK, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, during the academic year 2019-20.

Methodology: Horse gramme seeds were obtained from the National Seed Project, washed carefully, and processed (soaking, roasting, cooking, and germination) before being crushed into flour. The processed flours were then tested for functional qualities such as bulk density, water and oil absorption capacity, foaming capability, and stability, among others. The raw seeds were utilised as a control and were ground into flour without being processed. Furthermore, all processed flours were fermented and compared to non fermented flours for antinutritional factor decrease (tannins and phytates).

The functional characteristics of unprocessed (raw) horse gramme flour were measured and found to be 0.95 g/g (bulk density), 1.87 g/mL (water absorption capacity), 1.45 g/mL (oil absorption capacity), 7.56 percent (foaming capacity), and 70.78 percent for foaming stability. The functional qualities, on the other hand, were dramatically affected by the procedure. When it comes to antinutritional elements, unprocessed flour included 7.9 mg of tannins per gramme and 0.96 mg of phytates per gramme. When processing is combined with fermentation, antinutrients are reduced even more than when processing is done alone (without fermentation). In comparison to other processed flours, fermented germinated flour and fermented cooked flour have shown to be effective in reducing tannins (61.3 and 62.5 percent) and phytates (54.1 and 46.8%).

Conclusion: The results show that processing effectively changed the functional qualities of horse gramme. Processing combined with fermentation, on the other hand, resulted in a greater reduction in antinutritional components than processing alone. Furthermore, fermentation of germinated flour and cooked flour resulted in a considerably higher reduction in antinutritional components, boosting its use in functional foods as a primary / partial ingredient.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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