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Effect of Self Instruction Technique on Generalized Anxiety among Secondary School Adolescents in

The study act the effect of Self Instruction Technique on generalized tension among prep school adolescents in Enugu East Local Government region of Enugu State, Nigeria. Two research questions and two hypotheses directed the study. The research design is quasi exploratory. The population of the research work comprise secondary school graduates who were recognized as positing generalized worry in the area of study and they were two hundred and three in number (203). Out of these 203 scholars, 61 made up the sample for the study and were those that supposed statement anxiety in two together schools in the area accompanying the highest number of statement anxiety martyrs. In order to collect the dossier for the study, Beck Anxiety Inventory was used. The stock consist of 21 articles and was adopted for the research. In resolving the Data that were collected, mean scores and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were used to answer the research questions and test the theories respectively. The study in allure findings told that the technique; Self Instruction has effect on middle school students accompanying generalized tension. On the retention effect the judgments of the study also determined that Self Instruction Technique was retained twelfth weeks after the situation. The researchers accordingly, recommended with others that counseling counsellors endure incorporate Self Instruction Technique while management secondary school undergraduates with statement anxiety. In addition, Guidance Counsellors endure arrange for conferences and workshops for schoolteachers, in order to implant the process of using Self Instruction Technique in behavior therapy especially aforementioned behavioural problems like statement anxiety.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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