Effect of Sprouting on Chemical, Fatty Acid Composition, Antioxidants and Antinutrients of Flaxseeds
During the four-day sprouting period, the influence of flaxseed sprouting on chemical composition, fatty acid composition, antioxidants, and flaxseed antinutrients was examined. The sprouting procedure has been utilised to lower flaxseed levels of antinutritional components like as cyanogenic glucosides and improve nutrient palatability and availability. The dry matter content of the seeds has dropped by 5.54 percent after four days of sprouting. During the sprouting period, there were significant declines in oil content, but there were significant increases in protein, fibre, P, Ca, Fe, and Zn content. The content of cyanogenic glucosides as antinutrients has decreased during sprouting, hence improving the nutritional quality and raising the economic demand for flaxseed sprouts. The value of free fatty acids, peroxide, and saponification also increased. In addition, the amount of unsaponifiable materials has decreased. While linoleic and oleic fatty acids increased throughout the sprouting period, linolenic fatty acids decreased. The results showed that total phenols and antioxidant activity in extracted oils declined during and after sprouting, while flavonoids, carotenoids, and chlorophylls increased.
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