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Effect of Temporal Variation in Mineralization of Nutrients through Sewage Sludge, Farm Yard Manure

Soil improvement by organic matter (O.M.) has existed widely accepted as an effective nutrient-administration technique in farming. The study was conducted as container culture experiment at the Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Barkachha Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.) Mirzapur, that is located in the Vindhyan district of Mirzapur district at 25º 10” freedom, 82º 37” longitude accompanying an altitude of 427 meters above the ocean's surface. The soils of the study region are mainly having weak fertility and shallow wisdom. Different sources of natural manures Sewage Sludge (S.S), Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and Vermi-Compost (V.C.) with various doses (10, 20 and 30 grams) were applied in marijuana along with soil and were hatched for 90 days. Required amount of water was added to soil in consideration of keep it wet as and when required. pH, energetic conductivity(E.C) , O.M. and vitamin content (N, P, K and S) had shown important changes due to various treatments used in soil. Applications of organic corrections in this study marked considerable changes in the elementary soil physio-chemical characteristics, different levels of feasible nutrient and their release pattern. With increase in doses of S.S and V.C. soil pH too increased but, it was deteriorated with increase in doses of FYM. Increase in the shot of S.S., F.Y.M. and V.C. had increased the E.C. and O.M. of soil. The convenient N content decreased accompanying increase in the incubation pause. The available P raised from 30 Days After Incubation (DAI) to 60 DAI but it decreased at 90 DAI. Availability of S content increased accompanying increase in duration of development period.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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