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Effect of the Use of Writing Rubrics in Enhancing Creative Writing among Senior Secondary School

This determinable quasi-exploratory study investigated effect of the use of novel rubrics in enhancing artistic writing with Senior Secondary School Students (SSS) in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The objective was to learn if the use of writing rubrics in artistic writing will increase students’ manuscript ability. Three research questions in addition to three ineffectual hypotheses directed the conduct of the research. The study used research mentor (2006) to select 364 participants from SSS 2 consumed the total number of 12,220 students in SSS2 in united states of america to serve as samples for the study. A Quasi-exploratory design was used place a pretest, treatment and post-test were transported. The researcher grown test instrument named Essay Writing Performance Test (EWPT) which was used to measure scholars’ writing talent and collect dossier for the study. A pilot study was started to establish the dependability of the instrument that indicated the dependability index of 0.76 using Pearson Product Movement Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC). Intact classes dressed as Experimental and Control Groups respectively. The Experimental Group taken instruction on rubrics secondhand in imaginative writing while the Control Group taken instruction on imaginative writing accompanying the conventional English idea. Findings from the research revealed that parties in the Experimental Group performed better than those in the Control Group. Based on the verdicts, it was discovered that utilizing writing rubrics in education creative essay would help students to create better in content development, arrangement of ideas and use of good verbalization.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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