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Effect of Weeding Regime and Row Direction on Growth and Yield of Upland Rice in Uganda

A study driven the effects of row management and integrated weed administration on the growth, output and economics of highland rice at Ikulwe Research Station utilizing a completely randomized block design, replicated thrice accompanying NAMCHE 5 upland edible grain in Uganda (2021b & 2022b). 12 treatments accompanying 6 weeding regimes namely Pre- rise Butanil (PREB) + 1hand hoeing (HH), 2HH, 3HH, PREB + Post emergence Butanil (POEB), newspaper weeding (42 days) and control (EW & NS adjustment) were adopted. Nitrogen (100 kg) Phosphorus (60 kg) and Potash (40 kg) were used ha-1. Collected data on plant height, tillers, leaves, panicles; and grains were commit ANOVA (13th edition Genstat). Higher tumor and yield parameters were in EW than NS course. Leaves (27-28 leaves), height (65-70 cm), tillers (5-6 tillers and panicles (4-5 panicles) plant-1 were high under 2HH, PREB +1HH, PREB + POEB and 3HH (EW) distinguished to similar situations in NS direction all along 2021b and 2022b. Grain yield (2.34 t ha-1; HH), (2.26 t ha-1; PREB + 1 HH), (2.01 t ha-1; PREB + POEB), (1.89 t ha-1; 3HH) was significantly extreme in 2021b. During 2022b increased panicles (4-5 panicles), panicle length (21 cm), grains panicle-1 (110-117 grains) and seed yield (3.8 - 4.4 t ha-1) were recorded relating to 2021b. Weekly weeding (EW) grown high grains panicle-1 (102 grains) and grain yield (3.0 t ha-1) in 2022b relating to reduced tillers (4.5 tillers), suffused panicles (3.6 panicles) and grain yield (1.9 t ha-1) in 2021b. Row guidances had no effect on leaf width and lawn biomass was numerically higher under EW than NS direction. Benefit Cost Ratios and Marginal Rate of Returns were best under 2HH and PREB + 1HH (EW). 2HH and PREB + 1HH (EW) may be urged in Uganda having existed the most economic electronics.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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