Effect of Zinc and Boron on Growth, Yield and Quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. L-49
A field experiment was transported all the while 2020-2021 at Horticulture Research Farm-1, BBAU, Lucknow on 15- year- traditional guava plants, Studies on the Effect of Zinc and Boron on Growth, Yield and Quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. L-49”, disclosed Number of crops per tree, Yield per sapling (kg), Total chlorophyll content (mg/g), Average pressure of crop (g), Volume of fruit (cc), TSS ( 0Brix), Acidity (%), Ascorbic acid content in pulp (mg/100g), Non lowering carbohydrate (%), Reducing carbohydrate (%), Total sugar (%), were considerably stirred by foliar request of Zinc sulphate and boron. All parameters best acted under the Treatment nine (T9) place the lot of Zinc and Boron (Borax 0.2%+ Zinc Sulphate 0.2%) applied as foliar spray.
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