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Effect of Zinc Levels on Growth and Yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) Varieties

The field experiment was administered at Crop Research Farm (CRF), Department of Agronomy, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (U.P.) all along Zaid season of 2022 on Cowpea crop. The treatments Consists of 3 levels of Zinc [20kg/ha, 0.6% and (10kg/ha + 0.3%)] and 3 various sorts (GOMTI, HIMANI-06, KASHI-KANCHAN) and a Control. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design accompanying 10 situations replicated thrice. The use of Zinc (10kg/ha + 0.3%) + GOMTI assortment recorded greater plant altitude (83.96 cm), more number of nodules per plant (9.20), maximum plant dry pressure (12.55 g/plant), Crop progress rate (7.94 g/m2/day), Relative development rate (0.037 g/g/era) and yield attributes that is to say Number of Pods per plant (14.44), Number of seeds per pod(18.55), Test pressure(91.00 g), Seed yield (1.03 t/ha), Stover yield (5.33 t/ha) and Harvest index (16.12%) was establish maximum in treatment 3 namely Zinc (10kg/ha + 0.3%) + GOMTI type as compared to added situation combinations. The maximum gross return (INR 112750.00/ha), net return (INR 74582.50/ha) and B:C percentage (1.95) is written in treatment 3 Zinc (10kg/ha + 0.3%) + GOMTI assortment also.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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