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Estimating the Temporal Leachate Contamination Potential of Yenagoa Central Waste Dumpsite, Using Le

Leachates have evenly taken the center stage of incidental discuss recently because of their interference accompanying the environment. The effectiveness of any leachate is largely contingent on its aggregation which varies accompanying time contingent upon waste generation patterns, waste stabilization and material factors. Leachate contamination index (LPI) provides an overall pollution potential of a dump site. In this study, the idea of LPI is described in brief and used to estimate the worldly variation of leachate contamination within the dump site. Stepwise process to calculate the LPI of a dump is explained using dossier from the Yenagoa Central Waste Dump (YCWD) Abanigi Road, Etelebu, Nigeria. This waste dump have no liners or leachate collection/situation system, therefore, leachate produce finds its habit into the environment. LPI values are a approximate scale used as a hazard labeling tool. It is an increasing scale index, place a higher profit indicates poor referring to practices or policies that do not negatively affect the environment condition based on the Delphi method. Four samples of leachate were taken at different neighborhoods within the garbage dump and mixed for homogeneity. The examining was done double, ie, during March and December of 2019. The laboratory dossier was analyzed for allure pollution potential using LPI and contrasting made 'tween the two sampling regimes. In the study, leachate samples were collected and resolved for 9 significant parameters namely pH, TDS, NO3, BOD5, COD, Cu, Zn, Fe and TC. The results obtained revealed that the leachate contents were highly adulterated. The March and December analysis displayed LPI values of 17.004 and 15.757 respectively, that were beyond the Indian leachate conclusion standards for inland surface water (7.378). It was more observed that the leachate aggregation during the March analytical ending was more toxic than that of the December examining regime. Therefore, a robust waste administration strategy is urged for the Bayelsa State sanitation Authority.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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