Estimation of Genetic Variability for Yield and Yield Attributing Traits in Dolichus Bean
Dolichos grain is an indigenous edible part of plant grown as salad (Lablab purpureus var. typicus) and pulse (Lablab purpureus var. lignosus) during the whole of India. A wide range of difference exists for the semantic and reproductive figures amongst the land races of Indian Bean of age all over the country. Therefore it should to select variety having asked pod quality accompanying high yield potential. Despite of these good ascribing characters it is still saw as underexploited vegetable by way of low output, long duration and photosensitivity, blooming irregularity, progress habit and predilection of consumers concerning pod shape, pod size, pod colour, pod scent. Keeping this in view the investigation was attended at All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops, Odisha University Of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar all the while Rabi, 2020-21 for evaluating the yield and yield ascribing characters, for judging the variability, heritability, historical advance and the association betwixt yield and yield attributing characters for an productive selection to estimate the hereditary variability in Dolichus grain [Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet var. typicus] genotypes for further crop improvement study. The genotypic difference ranged from 0.02 for pod burden per plant to 2435 for average leaf area. The phenotypic difference ranged from 0.023 for pod burden per plant to 2879.8 for average leaf area. Phenotypic cooperative of variation (PCV) was above genotypic coefficient of difference (PCV) for all the 14 characters captured. This happened cause PCV estimates includes alternatives due to atmosphere (E) and genotype and environment (GE) interplay. PCV was highest (60.31) for pod yield per plant understood by average leaf area (35.09) displaying the presence of roomy range of genetic variability in the germplasm for these characteristics. Higher value of GCV was erect for characters like pod yield per plant (59.80) trailed by average leaf area (32.26) and number of pods per plant (31.94). Highest estimates of heritability in broad sense was noticed in Pod weight per plant (98.30) trailed by number of pods per plant (96.17), average leaf district (84.55), number of pods per inflorescence (83.91), pod time (82.22), plant height (78.82), pod yield per hectare (78.66) displaying that these characters are less affected by environment.
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