Evaluation of Antifungal and Antioxidant Effects of Qutran (Wood Tar) from Olea europaea Subsp. Cusp
Qutran oil (Olea europaea) derived from medicinal plants has potent antifungal activity against four strains. In our research, we used agar well diffusion to study Aspergillus (flavus, fumigatus, niger) and Candida albicans. The findings revealed that tar oil has antifungal properties against the strains tested. The inhibition growth rate ranged from 16.33 to 46.00 mm, and it also has better antimicrobial activity than conventional antibiotics like amphoteracin B and Nystatin. The most susceptible fungi were A. fumigatus and A. niger, while A. flavus had the most resistant fungi with an inhibition region (16.33 mm). As compared to ascorbic acid, wood tar oil, Olea europaea, has a strong DPPH radical scavenging activity of 79.10 percent.
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