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Evaluation of Best Performing Microbial Culture in Relation to Growth, Yield and Quality of Sponge G

The present survey the effect of different microbial sophistication on growth, yield and character of Sponge Gourd (Luffa cylindrica L.) was undertaken at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Prayagraj (UP) all the while 2022. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design accompanying 10 tratment viz., T0 (Control), T1 (PSB - Photosynthetic Bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris) - 20 ml/sq.m), T2 (PSB - Photosynthetic Bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris) - 30 ml/sq.m), T3 (PSB - Photosynthetic Bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris) - 40 ml/sq.m), T4 (Vermiwash-20 ml/sq.m), T5 (Vermiwash-30 ml/sq.m), T6 (Vermiwash-40 ml/sq.m), T7 (Azotobacter-8 ml/sq.m), T8 (Azotobacter - 10 ml/sq.m) and T9 (Azotobacter- 15ml/sq.m) accompanying three replications. Results revealed that situation T9 (Azotobacter- 15ml/sq.m) recorded considerably highest creeper time, highest number of basic branches per plant is situation T4 (Vermiwash-20 ml/sq.m) and number of node per plant is situation T4 (Vermiwash-20 ml/sq.m). Earliness parameter in the way that days of first flowering is minimum days is T9 (Azotobacter- 15ml/sq.m) and bud number at first male flower performs was recorded in situation T9 (Azotobacter- 15ml/sq.m). Node number at first female flower performs was recorded in situation T9 (Azotobacter- 15ml/sq.m). Days to first fruit scene after blooming recorded in situation Azotobacter-10ml/sq.m (T8). Yield parameter like number of product per plant were recorded under T6 (Vermiwash-40 ml/sq. m). Average burden for 10 fruits (g) was written capital in treatment T9 (Azotobacter-15 ml/sq.m).Fruit distance was recorded chief in treatment (Vermiwash – 40 ml/sq.m T6). Fruit circumference was recorded best in treatment T9 (Azotobacter-15 ml/sq.m). Fruit yield per plot (kg) was written highest in situation T6 (Vermiwash – 40 ml/sq.m) and fruit yield /ha (q) was topmost in was found in Vermiwash – 40 ml/sq.m (T6).



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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