Evaluation of Good Oral Practices among Students: A Cross-Sectional Study | Journal of Pharmaceutica
The study's goal was to determine what constitutes good oral practises (GOP) among university students.
Materials and Methods: A convenience sampling method was used to perform a cross-sectional study. Data was collected from students at a Malaysian university using a self-developed and pre-validated tool. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 24.0.
The survey drew in a total of 324 participants. Pharmacy accounted for 118 (36.4%), medicine for 81 (25.0%), industry for 67 (20.6%), and biotechnology for 58 percent of the respondents (18.0 percent ).
Conclusion: Students in their final year had more excellent oral practises. The students who were not married also had better oral hygiene habits.
Please see the link :- https://www.journaljpri.com/index.php/JPRI/article/view/30862