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Evaluation of Morpho-physiological Variations in Pigeon Pea for Weed Suppression and Yield Potential

A study was administered at Ibadan (Derived savanna), Ife (Rainforest), and Kishi (pertaining to the south Guinea savanna-northern trimming) to ascertain the not urban potentials and variation in early impedance traits for grass suppression in pigeon emerald in color in southern agro-ecologies of Nigeria. The exploratory site was graphic into 4 x 4 m plots and twenty (20) genotypes were randomly assigned accompanying three replicates. Results showed that across genotypes fully locations, NSWCC-29B-1 had the most unreasonable plants. However, NSWCC-46 had the shortest plants. Genotypes sown at Ife were the most exaggerated across locations. This ability have resulted from superior development factors in Ife. Tall crop plants contend and suppress weeds more than short crop plants. NSWCC-19 had the best leaf area across genotypes and positions at 20 WAP. Genotypes sown at Ife had the fullest leaves across the locations. Large leaf area reinforces canopy composition, weed abolition, and light interception for enhanced grain yield. NSWCC-7D had the broadest sunshade width; though, related to NSWCC-24, NSWCC-29B-1, NSWCC-27A, and AO/TB 79-9. Broad canopy breadth is loftier for weed abolition and crop yield. NSWCC-24 had the highest seed yield across genotypes in all parts. Plants sown in Ibadan and Ife had better and similar seed yields than Kishi, which was about 50% inferior other areas. NSWCC-7D, NSWCC-29A, NSWCC-35, NSWCC-46B, NSWCC-35A, NSWCC-34, NSWCC-29B-1, NSWCC-27A, NSWCC-24, CITA 3, AO/TB 79-9 and NSWCC/8B showed hopeful potentials for weed suppression and piece yield in all the agro-ecologies.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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