Evaluation of Physicochemical Parameters of Piroxicam 20 mg Tablets Commercially Available in ....
The aim of this research is to compare the physicochemical properties of different Piroxicam 20 mg Tablet brands. For six months, a comparative qualitative research analysis was performed. A total of five different active Piroxicam tablet brands were chosen. All of the samples were purchased in Larkana, Sindh's local markets. For minimalism, these samples were coded as PIX01, PIX02, PIX03, PIX04, and PIX05. Aesthetic test, Aesthetic test, Aesthetic test, Aesthetic test, Aesthetic test, Aesthetic test, Aesthetic testEach sample was tested for diameter and thickness, weight variation, mechanical strength, and friability according to industry standards, and the results were compared. Both samples were packed in accordance with GMP guidelines. The statistical programme SPSS 24.00 was used to analyse the data. Except for brand PIX05, which showed variance in the hardness test, the majority of the products were within official United States Pharmacopeia (USP) limits. In contrast, two labels, PIX03 and PIX05, fail the friability test as well as the cosmetic test due to powder content seen inside blisters. Each brand of Piroxicam was put through a dissolution test, with PIX02, 04, and 05 failing. Following an in vitro physical examination of different brands of Piroxicam pills, it was determined that the majority of the brands are produced in accordance with GMP guidelines as well as USP requirements. In the same brand, there were traces of powder content within the blister in the aesthetic test, as well as unsatisfactory results in the friability and hardness tests, suggesting a deviation from GMP guidelines and USP specifications, which could lead to out of specification. the outcome of a chemical test
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