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Factors Influencing People’s International Migration in Conflict-Affected Regions: A Case Analysis..

This study aims to bridge a methodological gap between different migration-related research projects by providing a theoretical account of how economic and non-economic factors have influenced varied groups' international migration from Rakhine State's various locations. The data was analysed using 840 survey respondents and 500 key informants from all around Rakhine State. Economic migration appears to be the most important sort of migration, according to the findings. Poverty, which is usually caused by a vicious circle of underproductivity on farms, higher labour wages for employers and lower labour wages for employees in the agricultural sector, a lack of alternative income sources, and a higher unemployment rate, has compelled various members of the community to pursue international migration. The second most important sort of movement is socio-political migration, with a substantial proportion of respondents indicating a common experience of intercommunal discrimination. During the private key informant interviews, a number of respondents also shared their common experience of discrimination by government ministerial departments, albeit they were hesitant to share the same information in surveys. The third most important sort of migration is migration caused by conflict. Communities' security worries, which have been present since 2012 as a result of communal violence and lingering tensions, as well as growing regional armed confrontations between state and non-state security forces since 2016, have had an impact on migratory patterns in Rakhine State. Some economic reasons, such as temporary or long-term unemployment, business stoppage, or indebtedness, have had an indirect impact on migration as a result of the environmental repercussions. Social networks also play an important role in the continued international movement of persons from Rakhine State. Legal migration institutions, on the other hand, are rather weak, whereas illicit migratory institutions are extremely powerful in the state.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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