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Farmers Attitude towards Use of Trichocompost | Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics &

The goal of this study was to examine farmers' attitudes toward Trichoderma use, to identify and define the socioeconomic features of tricho-compost farmers, and to discover the challenges that farmers have when utilising Trichoderma. 66 farmers were randomly selected from Kamarpara, Chupinagar Union, Shajahanpur Upazilla, and the Vasubihar, Juanpur, Katabaria, Maria, Chalapara, Charpara, Chakpahari, Mirpara, Panai, Birkedar, Ghashuria, Mirzapur, Adamzamur, Chomorpathalia, Khidiehashra, Chowkibari, Chalkjaphu, Majbari project site of water saving projectThe findings reveal that, majority of the respondents (59 percent) were middle age category and 39 percent respondent were having secondary level education. Most of the respondents were under small family category (45 percent) and majority (64 percent) of them had a small farm size and 78.8 percent of the respondents had high agricultural knowledge. A quarter of them (24 percent) were found into medium income group and 29 percent farmers received short training and two-third majority of the farmers (68 percent) had high knowledge on Trichoderma. As far as their attitude towards tricho-compost was concerned, majority of the farmers were positive towards good soil health condition, easy application, cheap production cost and more effective than traditional compost and found to have a negative attitude towards its adoption as it is untraditional compost.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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