Fertigation Studies in Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) under High Density Planting System for Leaf Bi
A field experiment was transported at Horticultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Periyakulam to determine the effect of drop fertigation on the plant growth and leaf yield of moringa assortment PKM -1 under high bulk planting scheme. The treatment involved 75,100, 125, 150 percent of recommended dosage of fertilizers under fertigation system in addition to soil application of 100 allotment of recommended application of fertilizers and without some fertilizers application as control. The experiment was spent money in randomized block design with six situations and four replications. Five individual plants were randomly picked from each plot and remarks were recorded on tumor, physiology and yield integrities. Observations were recorded initially at 70 days following in position or time planting and afterward at 35 days interval and completely three harvests were made all along the study period.The result of the study pointed out that among all the situations application of 150 portion of recommended prescription of fertilizers through drip fertigation caused significantly bigger estimated new leaf yield of 2.93, 3.79 and 4.04 tonnes per hacter in first, second and thire harvests respectively when equate to other treatments.
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