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Field Evaluation of the Efficacy of Fungicides and Rhizosphere Bacterial Antagonists against Rice St

Rice stem rot affliction in paddy cultivation leads to decline of yield. Management of this affliction is difficult as it is soil carried. In the present study, field tests were conducted all along Rabi 2016-17 and early Kharif 2017-18 to assess the influence of twelve fungicides and four rhizosphere bacterial opposing isolates (RRB-1 to RRB-4) against rice stem rot disease. Disease occurrence was recorded from the date of beginning incidence of the ailment i.e., late in 15 days from maximum tillering to panicle emergence. Pooled study reveals that Hexaconazole written lowest per insignificant value disease index (32.22) accompanying highest piece yield and straw yield of 7.43 t/ha and 7.22 t/ha individually, followed by Difenoconazole accompanying grain yield and hay yield of 7.29 t/ha and 6.88 t/ha respectively. On the other hand, bacterial antagonists utilizing root dipping and foliar spray with RRB-4 revealed less PDI of 32.92 with piece yield of 6.97 t/ha and straw yield of 6.61 t/ha. With this study, hexaconazole (0.2%) and bacterial antagonists RRB-4 utilizing root dipping and foliar spray (105 to 106 CFU/ml) can be effectively governed the rice stem rot.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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