Functional and Physicochemical Properties of Turmeric Powder as Affected by Processing Methods | ..
Before being used, turmeric rhizomes are exposed to a number of conditions during processing, including boiling, frying, blanching, and drying. The impact of processing methods on the functional and physicochemical properties of turmeric powder was investigated in this review. Five samples were created from the turmeric powder: sample A (oven drying), sample B(blanching + oven drying), sample C (sun drying), and sample D (cooking + oven dryin). Normal methods were used to analyse the functional and physicochemical properties of the processed turmeric powders. In comparison to other processing methods, cooking/oven drying resulted in a substantial (p0.05) increase in the bulk density, water and oil absorption capacities, and swelling strength of the turmeric powders. Sun drying/oven drying greatly increased dispersibilityand solubility. Among the processing methods used, blanching/oven drying had a slightly (p0.05) higher colour value and curcumin content, while cooked/oven dried samples had lower TTA and pH.Blanching/oven drying should be used in the processing of turmeric powder for improved nutrient retention, according to the report. To improve the functionality of The turmeric powder should be cooked or dried in the oven.
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