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Growth of Transplanted Rice as Influenced by Enriched Nitrogen Sources at Different Levels

The field experiment was carried out during kharif, 2018 at the research farm of the ICAR, Indian Institute of Rice Research (IIRR), Hyderabad (TS) to study the growth of transplanted rice as influenced by the enriched nitrogen sources at different levels. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with eleven treatments viz., T1 Control (0:60:40 kg N:P:K ha-1), T2 (75% Recommended Dose of Nitrogen (RDN) through neem coated urea), T3 (75% RDN through enriched rice straw compost with trichoderma), T4 (75% RDN through vermicompost), T5 (75% RDN through neem coated urea + nitrification inhibitor), T6 (75% RDN (50% RDN through vermicompost + 25% RDN through neem coated urea + nitrification inhibitor ), T7 (100%RDN through neem coated urea), T8 (100%RDN through enriched rice strawcompost with trichoderma), T9 (100%RDN through vermicompost),T10 (100%RDN through neem coated urea + nitrification inhibitor) and T11 (100% RDN (50% RDN through vermicompost + 50% RDN through neem coated urea + nitrification inhibitor). From this study it can be concluded that application of 100% RDN through neem coated urea resulted in highest plant height at 90 Days after transplanting (DAT) and at harvest, tillers m-2 at 60 DAT and at harvest, dry matter production at 90 DAT and at harvest, SPAD meter readings at 60 DAT and 90 DAT. Similarly, lowest plant height, tillers m-2, dry matter production and SPAD meter readings were recorded for control.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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