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Growth, Yield and Nutrient Content of Mungbean as Influenced by Foliar Potassium Application and Irr

A field experiment was attended in 2018 to study the response of Summer Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) to foliar potassic implantation under different liquid regimes. The experiment was laid out in split plot design by bearing 16 treatment mergers with 2 watering levels in the main plot and 6 foliar potassium sprays in subplots, that were replicated thrice. Results disclosed that the growth limits of mungbean viz., plant altitude, plant spread, number of leaves/plant, LAI, dry matter accumulation/plant, and seed yield were significantly taller under 0.6 IW/CPE ratio as distinguished to 0.4 IW/CPE ratio. Nutrient content (N, P and K) was still found higher under 0.6 IW/CPE percentage than 0.4 IW/CPE ratio. Among potassium situations, foliar application of 1%K through KNO3/KCl at blooming and pod development stage presented significantly bigger values of progress parameters namely., plant height, number of leaves and arms/plant and dry matter accumulation/plant by any means the stages of growth except at 25 DAS. Foliar request of 1%K through KNO3/KCl at flowering and pod happening stage recorded considerably higher piece and straw yield than rest of the situations. Nutrient content was found larger under foliar application of 1%K through KNO3/KCl at blooming and pod development stage but acted not differ considerably.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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