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Hydro-Geochemical Mechanisms of Brackish Shallow Groundwater Development- Coastal Greater Accra Regi

This study investigated the processes influencing the chemistry of surface and shallow groundwater in tropical coastal environments - south east of greater Accra region of Ghana using GIS models and combination of geological and hydro geochemical techniques for sustainable management of freshwater resources and abundantly available brackish water resources. A total of 37 shallow groundwater and 11 surface water samples were collected and analysed for their physico-chemical constituents. The samples were adjusted to room temperature after which the hydrogen ion concentration (pH), Total Dissolve Solids (TDS) and Electrical Conductivity were measured with a precision of 0.01 for both parameters using a La Motte, USA in unfiltered samples. The analysis of major and minor ions were performed using ion chromatography (DIONEX-ICS-1000 Series). The geographical locations of the samples were recorded with the aid of a handheld Global Position System (GPS). The analysed shallow groundwater indicates minimum salinity values of 70.2 psu/ppm, maximum salinity of 4398.3 psu/ppm with an average of 1571.4 psu/ppm whilst surface water has minimum salinity of 33.8 psu/ppm, maximum of 43574 psu/ppm with an average of 4972.6 psu/ppm therefore highly saline. The total minimum dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations is 87.5 ppm, maximum of 5160 ppm with an average of 1911.96 ppm for shallow groundwater and for surface water minimum of 38.4 ppm, maximum of 27100 ppm and average 3938.12 ppm.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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