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Impact of Long-term Nutrient Management Practices on Physical Properties of a Vertisol in Central In

Health of some soil is influenced by allure physical properties to better extent that has been more prominent in Vertisols on account of their self-till behavior. Differential use of nutrients in long-term can alter the soil possessions at temporal and spatial scales. Inventory on effect of various long-term vitamin management practices on physical possessions across the soil depths, exceptionally on Vertisols of central India, is insufficient. Present study checked the long-term (48 age) effect of different combinations of natural and inorganic fiber management practices under soybean-wheat cutting system on differing physical properties (Bulk mass, Particle density, Porosity and Water assets capacity) of a Vertisol in of central India. In the study, soil sample were collected at four wisdoms (0-15, 15-30, 30-45 and 45-60 cm) in triplicate from seven treatments (Control, 100% NP, 100% NPK, 100% NPK+FYM, 100% N, 50% NPK and 150% NPK) of lasting plots of AICRP on LTFE (initiated in 1972), Jabalpur. By characteristic nutrient management practices the largeness density and porosity afflicted significantly up to 30 cm soil wisdom and beyond that until 60 cm non-significantly. At all selected soil insights, water holding competency were significantly affected. On antagonistic, a non-significant effect was noticed on particle density by miscellaneous nutrient managements. This study pointed out a positive impact of balance fertilizer use and integrated approach of food management on physical features of soil.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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