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Impact of Organic Farming on Sustainable Agriculture System and Marketing Potential: A Review xc |

Organic farming, with its holistic approach of using on-farm agronomic, biological, and mechanical methods in place of all synthetic off-farm inputs, aims to enhance the sustainability of the agro-ecosystem. While organic farming is environmentally sustainable, concerns remain about its viability on a large scale and its consequences for preserving land productivity in order to meet the food security challenges faced by the world's ever-increasing population. However, consumer behaviour and consciousness for safe and nutritious food compelled farmers to consider organic farming, which is more profitable due to high market demand and value of organic produce.This paper focuses on the current state and future prospects of organic farming, particularly in India's north-eastern region, the state of Sikkim, and the Indian and global contexts, as well as the major external and internal factors that influence the entire organic system, including organic commodity production and marketing.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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