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Impact of Zinc and Boron on Physico-chemical Properties of Soil under Green Gram Crop

The research named “Impact of Zinc and Boron on Soil Health Parameters and Yield Attributes of Green gram in an inceptisol of Prayagraj U.P., India” attended at the department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Research Farm, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, U.P all the while the Zaid 2021-2022. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design accompanying sixteen treatments and three replications accompanying four levels of Zinc and Boron along with NPK as RDF. The non-meaningful findings namely B.D, P.D, % pore space, water property held capacity, and pH were as, big- micro foods, in soil and also the semantic parameters have significant verdicts which composes yellowish dark sandy-earth textured flat to alkaline soil namely non- saline in character between all the situation combination used. The OC, NPK were founded considerably medium to high in situation T16 RDF (20:40:20 NPK kg ha-1) + Zinc@6 kg ha-1+ Boron @3 kg ha-1, micro-vitamins such as Zinc, Boron were intentionally medium to high in situation T16 RDF (20:40:20 NPK kg ha-1) + Zinc@6 kg ha-1+ Boron @3 kg ha-1. the maximum mean value for Bulk bulk (1.34 Mg m-3), Particle density (2.588 Mg m-3) portion pore space (47.63%), and portion supreme water assets capacity (46.25%) were establish. The chemical soil limits with a accruing mean of slightly salty soil pH (8.35), average electrical conductivity (0.419 dSm-1), maximum portion O.C. (0.427), high Available N (284.62 kg ha-1), extreme Available P in T2 (16.60 kg ha-1) due to the opposing effect of zinc on Phosphorous, extreme Available K (206.93 kg ha-1), high Available Zn (1.132 mg kg-1), and extreme Available B (1.233 mg kg-1) were considered in judgment to other NPK and micronutrients levels situations.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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